Note: Check with your instructor to determine which style is required for your research project.
Check with your instructor to determine which style is required for your research project. The handouts linked here provide examples for documenting the most commonly used types of resources. (You will need Adobe Reader to view or print the PDF documents below.)
Other online resources:
All style manuals are available for in-library use - ask your librarian for help!
Hanging indents are used in many citation styles, and they can be tricky to format. See below for help.
Create a hanging indent in Word: Select the text where you want to add a hanging indent and go to Home > Paragraph > Indents and Spacing. Under "Special," select "Hanging." Make sure “By:” box says 0.5”. Click OK.
Create a hanging indent in Google Docs: Put your cursor in the line/paragraph you want to indent and go to Format > Align & Indent > Indentation options. Under "Special," select "Hanging." Make sure next box says 0.5”. Press the blue Apply button to save your changes.
Create a hanging indent in Apple Pages: Highlight the text you want indented and go to View > Show Ruler. Drag the light blue upside-down triangle icon five spaces to the right. Then drag the light blue rectangle above the triangle back to the left margin.