The CPD provides a full complement of professional development programs, training, and services to key target audiences on its member campuses and across the SUNY community. Services include academic certificate programs, communities of practice, conference support services, and customized training services.
These conferences are intended to expand communication within SUNY about the issues of integrating computing and other emerging technologies, such as networking and multimedia, into higher education curricula in order to support instruction and research at the participating campuses.
EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of information technology.
FACT2 was created to improve the learning environment and expertise of faculty and instructional support staff, enhance the teaching and learning process through the use of technology, increase networking, collaboration and sharing of best practices. and advocate for appropriately equipped and designed learning spaces.
Established in 1992 by the SUNY FACT Advisory Committee, CIT is an annual conference for faculty and instructional support professionals to come together in an informal atmosphere of sharing and networking among colleagues.
MERLOT has gathered a collection of articles and resources for faculty interested in improving their teaching practice. MERLOT has also created a Pedagogy Portal with information about instructional design, teaching strategies, and assessment.
Lucas Foundation professional development resource for educators. It is geared toward K-12 teachers, but much of the information can also be applied to a college setting.
The textbooks included in the site have been peer-reviewed are open and free to use without restrictions.
Search in the free textbooks page of Open SUNY or check the list of OER Textbook Repositories
Search or browse MERLOT’s content. They have a wide variety of materials available to utilize. Use the bar on the left hand side and select Material Types to narrow the results down by category to “Open Textbook.” Select the titles to learn more about them such as authors, licensing, and usability. Many textbooks and resources are available through MERLOT but there are others available. Using the federated search function allows you to search multiple providers at once.
An award-winning art history textbook hosted by Khan Academy which provides a variety of videos and resources for teachers and students.